วันจันทร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Try using spot cluster on Iphone

Normally I use a spot-cluster by connect with Hyperlink Terminal software or Ham Radio Deluxe. But sometime I will go outside my station and make contact in portable. If I'm not keep a laptop in portable station I can connect cluster by Iphone.

First find a software in AppStore for connect by telnet. I found many software. So I select "Pie-VT100 emulator"

After installed, open its then add server name. A server can find on internet (example ; http://www.ng3k.com/misc/cluster.html)

Next connect to server. Display indicated for log in. Up to server display may difference.

Final type "help" for check command for using cluster. Example when I spot some station I type "DX callsign frequency comment" I can report spot to server.